Tuesday 29 July 2014

I Wonder...

Sometimes I wonder if the very standards set for what is right and good to pursue in life are worth any level of adherence. The media has coerced generation upon generation into believing that all they strive towards is proper and indicative of true ambition, but seeing the way my partner so wantonly covets all things material and mitigates the importance of all things beyond saddens me to no end.

There is so much that we have had little to no control over: our financial or social circumstance, our familial upbringing, but we must never forget that the ability to wrest control from our traumas and negative experiences has been - and will always be - firmly within our grasp. All we need to do is take a firm hold, have a little faith in our ability to rewrite our story no matter how old and well-worn it may be, and begin anew.

We are never the sum of what has harmed us; we will always be the sum of all we have learned.

Monday 28 July 2014

Well, this is my attempt at re-entering the blog-o-sphere because I really feel - as of late - that I need to get back into writing. Both, for the fact that I so desperately need the catharsis it used to afford me (a long, long time ago), and simply to keep whatever little writing ability I have sharp.

Thanks for stumbling upon my humble little blog. I hope we become great friends ;)